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As-Built Documentation

Hand it over to the experts!


The ideal solution to finding a corporate space

Industry outsiders tend to underestimate the importance of as-built drawings. But whether you will be the final user of the building or not — a project is only complete with thorough documentation.

Through our vast experience in both construction and property maintenance, we look at the documentation from a broader perspective.

We know how to create actionable records that are easy to understand — and translate this into our approach.

We’ll assist you at every step. Until we found your perfect place,
finalised the agreement, and even after.


Not just useful but rather essential!

Producing complete and accurate documents.

Project Review
Quality Control
Project Management
Construction Consultancy Overview

Why As Built Documentation?

Top-quality records facilitate accuracy and precision in maintenance works. If artisans can act without delays, property maintenance is a smooth process, and you can save money in the long run.

Top-quality records facilitate accuracy and precision in maintenance works. If artisans can act without delays, property maintenance is a smooth process, and you can save money in the long run.

As-Built Documentation

A full As-Built Package includes:

  • Detailed Drawings And Sketches
  • High-Resolution Pictures
  • Videos Of All Construction Phases
  • Thorough Operation And Maintenance Manuals

A full As-Built Package includes:

  • Detailed Drawings And Sketches
  • High-Resolution Pictures
  • Videos Of All Construction Phases
  • Thorough Operation And Maintenance Manuals