Real Estate

Unlocking Global Opportunities: Real Estate Investments, Caribbean Citizenship, and Business Setup Services

October 19, 2023

In an increasingly interconnected world, opportunities for international investment and expansion have never been more accessible. Today, we're excited to introduce a suite of services that open doors to promising ventures in Real Estate, Citizenship by Investment, and Business Setup. Whether you're in the United Kingdom (UK) or the United Arab Emirates (UAE), our services bridge the gap between continents and provide you with the tools to thrive globally.

1. International Real Estate Investments: UK to UAE

The UK and UAE have long been magnets for international investors, and our team is here to guide you through the intricacies of global real estate markets. Whether you're looking for a prime residential property, a commercial space, or a strategic investment, we've got you covered. Our experts will help you navigate the intricacies of these markets, ensuring you make informed decisions and capitalize on lucrative opportunities.



2. Caribbean Citizenship by Investment

Imagine gaining access to the azure waters and lush landscapes of the Caribbean while securing a second passport. Our Citizenship by Investment program offers you just that. The Caribbean nations provide a gateway to stunning natural beauty and investment-friendly environments. This unique opportunity not only grants you citizenship but also expands your global mobility and offers significant economic benefits.

3. Business Setup Services in the UAE

The UAE has consistently ranked as one of the world's most attractive destinations for business expansion. Setting up a business in this thriving hub is now easier than ever with our comprehensive business setup services. Whether you're a startup looking to establish a presence or an established enterprise seeking growth, our team will streamline the process, from licensing to office space, and guide you toward success in the UAE.



At Akka Kappa Ltd , our commitment is to facilitate your journey towards international success. We provide tailored solutions, leveraging our extensive network, market insights, and regulatory expertise to ensure your ventures are not only profitable but also compliant with local laws and regulations.

As we navigate a rapidly changing global landscape, our services are designed to empower you with the knowledge and support needed to seize opportunities across borders. Whether you're looking to invest in real estate, obtain a second citizenship, or expand your business, we're here to be your trusted partner on this exciting journey.

Contact our Sales Director Edoardo Castagna today to explore these international opportunities and embark on a path to success that knows no boundaries. Together, we can turn your global dreams into reality.

Call us on 054 012 2800

Email: info@akkakappaghana.com


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